Wednesday 3 December 2014

The tudors tv series - Hair

When Browsing the internet i came across a TV series called the Tudors. I only got as far as looking at the advertisement but what i saw slightly disturbed me. The hair in this TV series was very inaccurate.

using this one image as an example, When i look at this picture (hair wise) I feel like it screams modern. The Woman in this picture are sporting wanded hair, correct me if i'm wrong but i'm 100% sure curling wands did not exist in the 15th century. I understand that Elizabethan women wore their hair down and loose to show virginity and innocence but i imagine them to be the most natural curls which is not displayed in this picture.

Assessment day two !

Designer- me
Stylist- Cornelia 

So hair assessment day  arrived (again) and it was my turn to be the designer. So i sat there buttoned lips watching Cornelia create my design. I personally think she did a good job considering she
has no experience in hair what so ever. She didn't even use padding. I can pick a lot of faults out but that's just me being a perfectionist. I feel she quickly adapted to doing my hair although its a different texture to what shes used to.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Assessment day!

Hair designer- Cornelia Lapinskaitė
Hair stylist- Kyomi best

Working in pairs wasn't a new experience for me. Working in pairs and swapping our designs to do on each other was a challenge. I found it more difficult in make up rather than hair.
Previously doing a two year hairdressing course helped me drastically with this side to the unit. When Cornelia gave me her design i didn't really have any worries as it was quite simple.
I only actually practiced twice with this design, Once with padding and once without. I found the partnership with Cornelia could be difficult at times but we pulled through in the end.

elizabethan hair, head coverings and adornments

Anne Boleyn (1507–1536)
The French hood

1570 Elisabeth of Austria by François Clouet    Norris has a brief write-up about this portrait on p.563 of Tudor Costume and Fashion (1997 Dover re-issue):  "The sleeves... are trimmed with spiral puffings trimmed with jewels.The bodice and skirt are set of a delicate patterned brocade edged with embroidery; and the skirt is open up the front to show an under-skirt of plain silk. A profusion of jewels ornaments the coif, neck, bodice, waist, and sleeves."     She was fond of hair with a vee ...
The coif

The Atifet

The Caul

the pillar box


heart shaped style

Thursday 27 November 2014

Second time using padding

This is my second attempt at using padding and i am very very pleased with this look. 
I really like the bun at the back and the fact the middle of the hair is staight and the outer sides of the hair are crimped giving a lovely texture change. This look is definitely something to think about when doing my final design.

View point The back- the left padding , middle bun and bottom was done by me and the right padding was done by Sylwia Mazur 

Practice 1

Today my partner practised my idea and these are the results. 

There is still a few things that need practising- I.e- padding placement but I need to communicate more and write instructions for every detail ! 
Overall I think she fine quite well with it. And all though the front is different to how I imagined I quite like it ! I realise I am going to have to concider how to get around my shaved patch!

Cornelia's design

This is the first practice i did of Cornelia's design. 
As you can see her design includes crimping and padding in the front and a bun that i made without a bun ring. I didn't find Cornelia's design too challenging as i have some  hair experience. 
We did discuss the use of using a bun ring as it may save time.