Tuesday 2 December 2014

elizabethan hair, head coverings and adornments

Anne Boleyn (1507–1536)
The French hood

1570 Elisabeth of Austria by François Clouet    Norris has a brief write-up about this portrait on p.563 of Tudor Costume and Fashion (1997 Dover re-issue):  "The sleeves... are trimmed with spiral puffings trimmed with jewels.The bodice and skirt are set of a delicate patterned brocade edged with embroidery; and the skirt is open up the front to show an under-skirt of plain silk. A profusion of jewels ornaments the coif, neck, bodice, waist, and sleeves."     She was fond of hair with a vee ...
The coif

The Atifet

The Caul

the pillar box


heart shaped style


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