Sunday 12 October 2014

Buns and Plaits Part 1

In Our lesson with Lottie we focused on buns and plaits. We're starting from the basics to get everyone up to the same level as some have never had experienced in hair before. 
To start we focused on the basic plait.

How to plait

  1. Take a desired section of hair and split hair into 3 parts
  2. start by taking the furthest right section of the hair then cross it over to the middle.
  3. next take the furthest left section of hair and cross over to the middle 
  4. continually do this in turn and eventually you will end up with result displayed below.

This is my end result.

I found this fairly easy as I learned this as a child.

How to do a french braid 

  • start by parting your hair down the middle (nose to nape) , tie one section out of the way.
  • take a smaller section from the front and part that into 3 sections. 
  • start of as you would a normal plait, once you have passed the hair over twice begin to add other sections of hair from underneath.

I found this quite difficult as I have always but I am going to start practicing at home to better my skill.

How to do a fishtail braid

  • start by sectioning ponytail into two pieces.
  • take a small section from the outside of one section and pass it over to the other.
  • holding that hair in the other section, take another small piece of hair from the other section and pass it over.
  • eventually you will end up with a fishtail braid.

I found this quite easy as I was used to doing them on myself.

How to do a bun without a bun ring 

  • scoop hair into a high pony and secure with a hair tie. 
  •  split pony tail into 4 sections 
  • take a section and backcomb the inside. smooth over the top side with a brush.
  • take said section and begin to loop hair around finger to create a circular shape and pin down.
  • do that to all 4 sections then start to secure the gaps together with pins.  

I found this quite easy all though mine wasn't perfect as we didn't have a lot of time. 

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