Sunday 26 October 2014

Curls and crimping

Queen Elizabeth I, associated with Nicholas Hilliard, circa 1575 - NPG 190 - © National Portrait Gallery, London

Queen Elizabeth I
associated with Nicholas Hilliard
oil on panel, circa 1575
31 in. x 24 in. (787 mm x 610 mm)
Purchased, 1865
Primary Collection
NPG 190
Curls were very popular in the Elizabethan times.
This is a portrait of Queen Elizabeth the first displaying curls in her hair. 
Contemporary curls-
These pin curls remind me of the Elizabethan look but also are modern due to the placement of the curls.


 This is my practice of crimping and curling. I quite enjoyed crimping as it created a texture similar to my own and also made the hair mold-able.

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